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时间:2019年11月8日(星期五)上午9:30地点:民主楼210会议室报告题目:UAV-based Mobile Edge Computing and Communications(基于无人机的移动边缘计算和通信)报告摘要: with the advancement of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) edge computing and communications from the sky become possible and indeed provide an effective way to complement the current ground-based horizontal edge computing and communication...
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题目:玩转IEEE数据库,让你的科研操作溜起来时间:2019年11月6日下午4:00地点:民主楼小礼堂主讲人:周瑜玲IEL数据库培训师IEEE,美国电气电子工程师学会,是目前全球规模最大的科技专业机构。作为IEEE旗下最完整最权威的在线数据资源,IEEE/IET Electronic Library(简称IEL)提供了当今全世界电子电气,通信和计算机科学等领域将近三分之一的文献。其收录的期刊,杂志,会议论文和标准文档高达四百余万篇。种类覆盖电子电气...
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报告题目:基于硅芯片上光学微腔的光机械非线性及其在微纳传感的应用报告人:清华大学张靖副教授报告时间:2019年11月1日10:00报告地点:升华后楼504报告摘要:报告内容分成三个部分:(1) 简单介绍我们在基于光学微腔的可调声子激光,微位移探测等方面的应用与实验进展;(2) 简单介绍我们在硅芯片上微型环芯腔系统中所理论分析以及实验观测到的分岔、混沌以及随机共振等非线性现象,并进一步介绍其在微纳传感的应用;(3) 简单介...
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会议名称:2019年IEEE工业电子协会年会(IEEEIECON2019)报告时间:2019年11月1日(星期五)下午15:00——16:30报告地点:铁道校区第二综合实验楼513会议室报告人:陈彬报告题目:Power system with 100% renewable energy: the long wait…摘要:The need for decarbonization of the society and economy, due to the climatic threats, will lead to an increase of electricity consumption in conjunction with a large ...
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报告时间:2019年10月17日(星期四)上午9:00—10:00报告地点:威廉希尔足球官网本部民主楼222报告人1:施光泽报告题目:A Common Second Frequency Control of Island Cascaded-type Microgrid报告摘要:Cascaded-type microgrid plays an important role in high voltage level applications. The frequency regulation is the guarantee for obtain a high supply power quality. This paper proposes a common second frequency c...
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报告时间:2019年10月16日(星期三)下午15:00——18:00报告地点:铁道校区第二综合实验楼513会议室报告人1:乐寅辉报告题目:Emerging eT&D Grids: Energy Storage, Electrification, and the Increasing Role of Power Electronics报告摘要:Emerging electronic transmission and distribution (eT&D) grids will evolve rapidly accommodating the changes in generation mix and load profile that are associated with ...
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报告题目:Data Analytics for Smart Energy Cyber-Physical System Security报告人:University of Essex大学Shiyan Hu教授报告时间:9月30日上午11点报告地点:升华楼504会议室报告摘要:The massive deployment of advanced metering infrastru4ctures has mandated a transformative shift of the classical power grid towards a more reliable smart grid. However, such a cyber-physical power system is vulnerable to...
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?报告题目:The State of Academic Publishing in the Control and Automation Field报告人:Prof. Ian Craig, Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Pretoria报告时间:2019年9月27日10:00-12:00报告地点:升华后楼504报告摘要:This presentation will provide an overview of the publications portfolio of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). This por...