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时间及会议室:11月11日(周四),15:00-16:00,腾讯会议:113 784 171题目:Predefined-Time Convergence and its Application to Stabilization of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor 报告人:Michael Basin, Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico 摘要:This paper designs a predefined-time convergent continuous control algorithm to stabilize a permanent-magnet synchronous motor system. Three cases ...
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报告人:张先明教授报告题目:Recent devolopments on stability analysis of time-delay systems会议时间:2021年10月31日上午9:00, 腾讯会议ID:723121917报告摘要:This talk focuses on stability analysis of time-delay systems. First, a briefreview on time-delay systems is offered. Second, it is known that Bessel-Legendre inequality plays an important role in stability analysis of linear systems with t...
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报告题目:基于浓度响应型生物传感器的发酵多组分浓度在线监控及反馈控制报告时间:2021年9月15日20:00报告人:薄翠梅,博士,教授,博士生导师报告地点:校本部升华后楼504网上会议:腾讯会议,会议ID:461 651 827报告摘要:微生物发酵底物、产物的种类与浓度以及相互作用,均会对微生物发酵过程中的反应速率、产品收率以及细胞对代谢途径的选择产生影响,实现发酵过程中底物与产物成分的在线检测与反馈控制,对于保证发酵过...
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报告题目:Model-based Observer Design报告人:Dr.Derik le Roux,Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering,University of Pretoria报告时间:2021年7月9日15:00-16:00报告地点:腾讯会议685 410 544报告摘要:The efficiency of any control feedback loop relies on the accuracy and reliability of the measurements returned to the controller. This is especially important in the case of Mode...
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时间:2021年6月20日晚上19:00-20:00地点:铁道校区电子楼122报告人:李世玲报告时间:晚上19:00-20:00报告标题:Predefined-Time Distributed Optimization of Multi-AgentSystemsWith Exogenous Disturbance报告摘要:In this paper, we consider the predefined-time distributed optimization problem of disturbed multi-agent systems underundirected and connected communication networks. In order to control all ag...
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报告题目:智能电网中的信息物理协同攻击及其对策报告时间:2021年5月9日(星期日)上午9:00报告地点:校本部升华后楼504报告人:邓瑞龙研究员,浙江大学百人计划研究员报告摘要:Smart grid has been widely considered as a typical cyber-physical system (CPS) that leverages information and communications technology (ICT) to automatically gather and act on the meter data, in order to improve the agility, reli...