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报告题目:A behavioral approach to data-driven control with noisy input-output data时间:2022年5月18日15:00-17:00地点:Zoom Meeting ID: 850 5941 6729(Password: 383820)报告人:Harry L. Trentelman(University of Groningen)摘要:Data-driven analysis and control is a research topic that has received a lot of attention in the past few years. The idea that lies at the core of this research area is...
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时间:2022年3月31日(星期四)下午3:00地点:线上报告,Zoom Meeting:939 5049 1952(密码:211555)报告题目:Optimal Analysis of Structures; Graph Methods报告人:A. Kaveh, School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran, Postal Code 16846-13114, Iran摘要:In this lecture a review of optimal analysis of structures is presented. Analysis is calledoptimalif the ...
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时间:2022年3月22日(星期二)地点:线上报告,腾讯会议:467-242-341(密码:220322)报告题目: Adaptive Model Predictive Control for ConstrainedLinearSystems with Parametric Uncertainties报告人:Yang Shi, Professor, Fellow of EIC, IEEE, ASME,University of Victoria, Canada摘要:Model predictive control (MPC) is a promising paradigm for high-performance and cost-effective control of complex dynamic sy...
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时间:12月24日(周五),16:00-17:00地点:升华后楼504报告题目:Renaissance of Phase报告摘要:The phase or argument of a complex number is an important conceptknown to most of the university students in STEM. What are the phases of a matrix?What are the phases of a MIMO LTI system? What are the phases of a nonlinear system? These are the questions to be answered in the newly developed phase theor...
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非线性系统与控制一直以来都是科学界和工业界研究的重点与热点,为促成非线性系统与控制相关科学学者的深度合作与交流,特邀请相关领域的专家学者一起探讨非线性系统与控制的最新研究及应用。会议时间:2021年12月4日,8:00-18:00参会人员:邀请专家、威廉希尔足球官网师生会议地点:腾讯线上会议(ID:334 151 067密码:1204
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时间:2021年11月30日下午4:00腾讯会议ID:564-935-909报告题目:Multi-objective evolutionary federated neural architecture search报告摘要:Neural architecture search has been shown to be effective in automating the design of deep neural networks. Not much work has been reported, however, on neural architecture search in a federated environment, in which data privacy and communication cost as well m...
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秉持“跨界 交流 融合 创造”的理念,促进多学科学术交流,威廉希尔足球官网承办了威廉希尔足球官网第二届交叉学科研究生创新论坛工业智能化分论坛、机器视觉分论坛,将于2021年11月20-21日与2021年威廉希尔足球官网研究生学术年会同期举办,本次会议邀请了国家杰出青年基金获得者、长江学者等7人相关领域知名专家,具体汇报内容及专家简介详见附件。欢迎公司师生积极参与
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智能系统优化与控制研讨会(The Workshop on Intelligent System Optimization and Control)系列报告安排见附件会议时间:2021年11月13-14日,每日8:30 – 18:00会议形式:线上—腾讯会议会议ID:875 502 741(13日);563 109 463(14日